Sunday, November 11, 2012


So I signed up to make the treat for W's Fall Fest at school. This is the event they have instead of Halloween (which means no costumes. Yay!). My husband always asks me why I can't just be a normal mom and send in brownies or Rice Krispie treats. So Rice Krispie treats it was - just a variation.

Rice Krispie Pumpkins

Rice Krispies cereal (6 cups)
Mini marshmallows (4 cups)
Margarine or butter (3 Tbs)
Orange food coloring
Tootsie rolls
Green decorating icing
Black writing icing that hardens (I got mine at Michael's)

Follow your regular Rice Krispie recipe but add orange food coloring to the marshmallows before you add the cereal.
Mix it really well until everything is orange.

Now here's the hard part. Put it in the fridge and let it cool. (I tried to skip this step, but the mix was too sticky to form. My balls fell apart)

After it has cooled for a good long time, (it took mine over an hour) form into balls squeezing them tight so they hold. Then place them on a cookie sheet covered in wax paper and again place in the fridge to firm up.

After they are firm, cut tootsie rolls in half. Use small dab of green icing to adhere tootsie rolls to the top. Add a leaf with green icing.

Make faces with black icing.

Cool until icing sets.


I was able to make 16 pumpkins a little smaller than a tennis ball. (And a pile of stuff that wouldn't form)

My son's class lived them and they were even safe for the kid with nut allergies.

Score one for mom!
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